Pain is one of the most important uses for medicinal cannabis and most users seem satisfied with the results. How the effect comes about is not exactly known, however, and the experiments on the analgesic effect are by no means clear, as a current meta-analysis shows.
Cbd gummies for pain, which include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and a number of other natural and chemically synthesized substances, reach the central nervous system (CNS) via the bloodstream after oral or inhalation ingestion. There they bind to cannabinoid receptors (type 1 or type 2, with type 2 mainly occurring outside the CNS in the immune system).
The exact effects are not known. Research is made difficult by the fact that cannabinoid receptors are widespread in the brain. They are present on many neurons, but also on glial cells. The effect appears to be primarily inhibitory. Overall, cannabis has a slowing effect on the brain. This makes cannabis users feel relaxed and euphoric.
This “good feeling” also means that the patient no longer perceives pain as a nuisance. However, people do not become pain-free after they have consumed cannabis. Cannabinoids only slightly raise the pain threshold, and pain tolerance hardly changes either.
This may be the reason why cannabinoids are popular with patients with chronic pain. Especially in the case of neuropathic pain that does not respond to analgesics, many patients are satisfied with the effects of cannabinoids. The fact that the remedies do not really make them pain-free should be of secondary importance for the patients and for more information you can visit the link.